BIODYNAMIC cranial sacral therapy

Cranial Sacral Therapy

Craniosacral Therapy is a gentle, hands-on healing practice that focuses on the body's craniosacral system—comprised of the membranes and fluid surrounding the brain and spinal cord— and the nervous system. This holistic therapy helps to address root causes of tension patterns, promote relaxation and nervous system regulation, and enhance overall well-being. I offer craniosacral therapy to individuals of all ages, from babies to adults, in Boulder, CO.

During sessions, I work with the nervous system with gentle, attuned curiosity. Sessions are designed to support the body in releasing stored stress and emotional blockages, as well as to facilitate the bodies natural healing process.

I came to Craniosacral therapy through my own health journey working with hard to address autoimmune issues, and found this approach to working with individuals profoundly useful in addressing root causes of disease that stem from chronic hyper (sympathetic) and hypo (freeze) responses of the nervous system. My interest in the role of the body and the nervous system in development processes led me to certify in this powerful modality. Over time, I have observed that when clients can grow their baseline state of regulation (rest/digest, safety, connection to self and other, and focused attention), the whole world opens. Many clients struggle with burnout, chronic overstimulation, chronic fatigue, and autoimmune issues.

Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy (BCST)

My background is in the Biodynamic Cranial Sacral Therapy (BCST). In BCST training, we are trained extensively to understand how a healthy, optimally functioning nervous system operates. Through acute perception skills, we can detect subtle physiological changes and recognize the energetic patterns that contribute to an individual's overall health and symptoms.

The primary focus of each session is to nurture the inherent health of the whole system, particularly the nervous system, which governs all bodily functions and both becomes e a place of restriction as well as plays a core role in many dysfunctions. We believe that health is always present, regardless of the ailment. By identifying areas of the nervous system that may not be functioning at their best, we tap into the body’s inherent health to facilitate a return to balance. This process promotes greater ease and helps alleviate symptoms. I combine BCST approaches with verbal coaching where appropriate, supporting clients in articulating their experience to support metabolizing nervous system charge and to support their unfolding process.

How do Sessions Work?

We begin by sitting in chairs and talking about what brings you to cranial sacral therapy, as well as what you would like to get out of the session. During the session, you will be fully clothed, sitting in a chair to start and then lying on a massage table in a supported and comfortable way. Then there will be a period of dialogue before I make physical contact in order to find the place of right relationship where your nervous system can relax. Sessions alternate between quiet, longer holds and, where appropriate, non-invasive dialogue about what you are noticing and experiencing.

Where helpful, I use gentle coaching tools that come from polarity therapy to helping clients become more aware of their physical, emotional, and energetic states and to release blockages, connect to their inner wisdom, and foster a greater sense of alignment with their intentions.

While a single session can have noticeable effects, it often takes multiple sessions to achieve more noticeable changes given the subtle but powerful nature of this work.

Sessions are 1h long and cost $100. I offer sliding scale for patients in financial need.




“The cranial session was transformative. Bridgit's attunement and skill as a practitioner helped me to relax and connect with my own process. I didn’t even realize I was holding, and she was skillful as the process unwound. After sessions, I left feeling lighter, more balanced, and with a sense of deeper wholeness.”

- Jessica S

“I wholeheartedly recommend cranial to those looking to support their health and connect more deeply with their innermost wisdom. Bridgit guided me throughout the session in a way that supported me in exploring some of the places that were frozen in my body. Through the process, I experienced gentle openings that were very powerful.”

- Sophie M


Explore Services

Therapeutic and Leadership Coaching with Horses

Therapeutic coaching with horses is a unique somatic approach that supports nervous system regulation, presence, safety, and restoration of fundamental connection. Leadership coaching with horses is a powerful coaching modality for exploring the body, nervous systems, and the results clients are enacting in their lives.

Integral Coaching

My holistic coaching approach considers the whole person—mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual — and examine root forces impacting adult development. We explore client’s "way of being,” which encompasses presence, mindset, and the ways we engage with the world. My coaching approach brings a strong focus to the body with the recognition that our bodies and nervous systems hold invaluable wisdom.



Through coaching and somatic therapeutic approaches, I support clients in connecting to their natural rhythms and listening to their innate wisdom on their unique developmental journeys. Since 2016, I have practiced coaching work in both personal and corporate settings through Emergence Leadership. Since its inception, my coaching work has been deeply interwoven with horses, and I am grateful to be able to continue to practice and facilitate in this work through EquusLibere and Bridging Unicorns alongside my beautiful herd of rescue horses. My passion for working with whole-system, bottom up development led me to the Colorado School of Energy Studies, a renown school for somatic therapeutic approaches, in 2022, where I certified in cranial sacral therapy and where I currently am engaged in additional certifications in cranial sacral therapy and polarity therapy. In my work with clients, I cultivate a safe and supportive environment for individuals to explore their hearts, bodies, and minds — and to allow their unique healing and development process to unfold.

Biodynamic Cranial Sacral Therapy (Certificate of Course Completion, Colorado School of Energy Studies)
Polarity Life Coach Training (Certificate of Course Completion, Colorado School of Energy Studies)
ICF PCC Distinction (International Coaching Federation)
Professional Coaching Certification (New Ventures West)
Clinical Pastoral Education: Chaplaincy (Jewish Theological Seminary)
Facilitation of Groups as Living Systems Certification (Matrixworks)
Life Coaching Certification (Soluluna)