coaching with horses

Leadership Coaching with Horses

Leadership coaching sessions with horses are a powerful space for exploring the body, nervous system, and how we are leading in our lives. Immediate feedback from the horses when partnering through exercises reflects back how we are actually operating in our minds, hearts and bodies — and opens pathways for opening to new ways of being. 

Coaching sessions take place in a round pen, where we work with horses on the ground ‘at liberty,’ or free without restraints, and engage various forms of groundwork exercises that unite horse and human in a co-learning process that offers a practice ground for embodying new leadership behaviours.

Explore self-inquiry, deep listening, boundaries, collaborative leadership, non-predatory uses of power, and more. Leadership coaching with horses is often accompanied by ongoing virtual coaching sessions for those who are nonlocal. Learn more about therapeutic coaching work with horses at EquusLibere.

Therapeutic Coaching with Horses

Therapeutic coaching with horses engages the powerful, reflective presence of horses as a support in deepened presence and somatic awareness. Horses are incredibly intuitive animals, responding to our energy, emotions, and intentions. Sessions support clients in accessing nervous system regulation, metabolizing charge in the nervous system, as well as in integration processes, such as integrating grief and loss.

In partnership with the horses, we explore client thresholds around presence, attunement, and connection with self and other. Therapeutic coaching is a powerful developmental space to explore deep personal intentions and what is getting in the way. Sessions support clients in metabolizing areas of charge in the body that are restricting their systems from their natural unfolding into health.

Therapeutic coaching is informed by my background in biodynamic cranial sacral therapy, polarity therapy, and grief work through chaplaincy training. Sessions take place with my powerful herd of rescue horses in Erie, Co. Learn more about therapeutic coaching work with horses at EquusLibere.


The Herd

I run sessions with my powerful herd rescue horse partners - Rasa, Ocean, and Eclipse - through my not for profit project Bridging Unicorns.

Each of them has an incredible story, and their journeys have taken each of them from being slaughter-bound to joining forces with me in healing and development work.




“I have been with our time together all day- resonating with tracking where I have arrived and opening to the feel of new possibilities. The gift the horses bring to me is that immediate feedback of where I am - when I am deeply connected and when I am not connected. I was reflecting on the way home what an amazing space Bridgit holds - to humans, to the horses, and the whole.”

- Elizabeth R

“It was powerful to learn how horses regulate our nervous system and I was inspired by horses’ congruency between their inner state and actions. I felt that I could trust the process and trust the feedback that I was getting by the horses. It was a learning experience realizing how to shift my energy and use it as a tool to better myself and those around me. Bridgit’s sense of caring and kindness can be felt throughout sessions.”

- Adam H


Explore Services


Biodynamic Cranial Sacral Therapy

Craniosacral Therapy is a gentle, hands-on healing practice that focuses on the body's craniosacral system—comprised of the membranes and fluid surrounding the brain and spinal cord. Sessions support the body in releasing stored stress and emotional blockages, as well as to facilitate the bodies natural healing process. Discover the benefits of this gentle approach and reconnect with your body’s innate wisdom.

Integral Coaching

My holistic coaching approach considers the whole person—mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual — and examine root forces impacting adult development. We explore client’s "way of being,” which encompasses presence, mindset, and the ways we engage with the world. My coaching approach brings a strong focus to the body with the recognition that our bodies and nervous systems hold invaluable wisdom.



Through coaching and somatic therapeutic approaches, I support clients in connecting to their natural rhythms and listening to their innate wisdom on their unique developmental joruneys. Since 2016, I have practiced coaching work in both personal and corporate settings through Emergence Leadership. Since its inception, my coaching work has been deeply interwoven with horses, and I am grateful to be able to continue to practice and facilitate in this work through EquusLibere and Bridging Unicorns alongside my beautiful herd of rescue horses. My passion for working with whole-system, bottom up development led me to the Colorado School of Energy Studies, a renown school for somatic therapeutic approaches, in 2022, where I certified in cranial sacral therapy and where I currently am engaged in additional certifications in cranial sacral therapy and polarity therapy. In my work with clients, I cultivate a safe and supportive environment for individuals to explore their hearts, bodies, and minds — and to allow their unique healing and development process to unfold.


ICF PCC Distinction (International Coaching Federation)
Biodynamic Cranial Sacral Therapy (Certificate of Course Completion, Colorado School of Energy Studies)
Polarity Coach Training ( (Certificate of Course Completion, Colorado School of Energy Studies)
Professional Coaching Certification (New Ventures West)
Clinical Pastoral Education: Chaplaincy (Jewish Theological Seminary)
Facilitation of Groups as Living Systems Certification (Matrixworks)
Life Coaching Certification (Soluluna)